Title 1
What is Title I?
●Federal program
●Provides states and local school districts with resources to support. . .
*the development, extension, and maintenance of high-quality educational programs
*services to improve student achievement in the area of Literacy in grades K-4
How Are Students Selected?
●Test scores
*Basic Reading Inventory--BRI
*FAST (Formative Assessment System for Teachers)
●Teacher referral from classroom teacher and daily work
How are the students serviced?
●Small groups for 15-30 minutes 4-5 times per week (depending on grade level and needs)
●In classroom or Title I room
●Services are in addition to the classroom reading instruction
How is a student dismissed?
●Test scores
●Classroom performance
●Teacher collaboration
●Trial period of decreasing or eliminating services
Lessons in Title Reading
●Leveled Literacy Intervention
- Leveled text, Word Study/Phonics, Writing,
- Comprehension, Fluency, Home Connection
●Jolly Phonics-writing and reading words
Parent's right to know
As a parent/guardian of a student in a Title I school, you have the right...
- To know the professional qualifications of your child's teacher.
- To know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher.
- To know how your child's school is rated on its state test scores.