Curriculum/Professional Learning
- Professional Learning Library
- Book Request for Professional Learning Library
- Book Study for Renewal Credit
- Elementary PLC Overview
- Secondary PLC Overview
Professional Learning Library
Book Request for Professional Learning Library
Book Study for Renewal Credit
Book Study Groups - District Contact is Kristan Hunter
As we continue to work to offer individualized professional learning opportunities with district staff members, I wanted to inform district educators of renewal credit opportunities that can be obtained through a Book Study option. Please see the details below and please contact Kristan Hunter for any questions, assistance and possible book information that you would like to support this work.
Required Contact Hours:
15 hours is required for renewal credit to be given. Meeting times can range from at least 1 hour to 5 hours.
A study group facilitator acts as a leader and coordinator (group processor replaces an instructor) for group activities, but is not an instructor. This person has the responsibility for submitting paperwork for approval, recording attendance, coordinating meeting logs, scheduling and communicating with the group members. Please note that there will be collaborative support for this paperwork.
Study Group Size:
A minimum of 4 participants (this can count the facilitator) and a maximum of 10 participants is required for the study group size.
Renewal Credit Offered:
One hour of teacher or administrator renewal credit through Grant Wood AEA is available for $35.
Please see the following links from GWAEA that would be submitted for book study approval and paperwork. Please note that paperwork must be submitted 3 weeks prior to the first meeting date to ensure clarification opportunities and revision opportunities with the GWAEA Professional Development Office.
Paperwork forms will include:
GWAEA Book Study Proposal (Please see Kristan for assistance/background work in this)
GWAEA Book Study Completion Form
Elementary PLC Overview
What Does the PLC Work at Mid-Prairie Look Like
Question #1: What do students need to know and be able to do? (Goals/Expectations)
- Essential Learnings
- Proficiency Scales
- Standards
- Life Skills/Independency
- Tolerance/Acceptance
- Social Skills (empathy, manners)
- Life Skills
- Problem Solving
Question #2: How will we know when they have learned it? (Assessments)
- CFA-Common Formative Assessments
- Proficiency Rubrics
- Checklists
- Informal Assessments/Observations
- Daily Work
- SeeSaw
- Google Classroom
- GOLD Assessments (PreK)
- Student application without prompting
- Peer teaching/sharing
- Performance Assessments
Question #3: What will we do when they haven’t learned it? (Intervention)
- Reteach
- Use outside resources (volunteers, mentors, adults)
- Reflective teaching practices
- Skill focused groups during WIN based on CFA’s (share kids)
- Reassess & Regroup-flexible groupings
- Ask for support
- Try something completely new
- Utilize collaborative resources (Grant Wood, Learning Support Teams, Title Teachers, Special Ed.)
- Extra practice
- Embedded learning opportunities
- Parent Communication
Question #4: What will we do when they already know it? (Enrich/Extend)
- Extended Learning Program Services
- Personalized Learning
- Differentiate Instruction
- Peer Teaching
- Go deeper
- More passion learning
- Research opportunities-more independent tasks
- Targeted instruction-working towards this
Secondary PLC Overview
What does the PLC Work of Mid-Prairie Secondary Teacher Look Like?
Question #1: What do students need to know and be able to do? (Goals/Expectations)
- Meet or exceed grade level standards for all curricular areas
- Learning Targets
- Create Compelling Questions (Inquiry)
- Vertical Alignment to prepare students for the next level
- Healthy Choices
- Sequential Learning-Student Career Choice
- Life Skills/Employability (Problem Solvers, Creativity, Communication, Writing Skills, Work independently and in a group)
- Self advocates
- Literacy in all curricular areas
- Use evidence to support their claim
- Appreciation of the Arts
- Media/Technology
Question #2: How will we know when they have learned it? (Assessment)
- Formative/Summative Assessments
- Observations
- Proficiency
- Evidence through: Projects, Presentations, Discussions, Papers, Debates, Quizzes
- Creating strong questions
- Increased Independence
- Transferable application/knowledge
Question #3: What will we do when they haven’t learned it? (Intervention)
- Re-teach
- WIN Time
- Implement different strategies
- Alternate Assessments
- Reassessments
- Collaboration amongst staff members/Shared resources
- Peer Mentors
- Open Communication with parents
- Review practice habits
Question #4: What will we do when they already know it? (Enrich/Extend)
- Challenge students with alternate activities (find extensions)
- Utilize peer tutors/experts
- Student-led instructions
- Independent time/pace
- Pre-teach concepts from next grade level
- Student choice opportunities
- Increase difficulty of goal areas
- Celebrate
- Offer and share resources (record in a shared document)
- Projects based on real world/situations