
Mid-Prairie is committed to providing students and staff access to a wide range of technology to support the educational objectives and mission of the school district including personalized learning, collaboration, innovation, communication and problem solving.

Technology Department

Jaynie Bontrager, District Technology Director


Technology Support

Staff experiencing technology issues including hardware, printing, network, Gmail (mphawks account), badge/door card issues must submit a technology ticket using the ITS ticket portal.

All hardware purchases need to be ordered through Jaynie Bontrager. Staff needing information regarding cost of a technology related item may request an item quote.


iPad App Purchasing

Directions for requesting apps:

  1. Email Jaynie Bontrager with information on the app you would like.
  2. Free apps will be pushed out to your device. They will show up in self-service for you to download.
  3. Paid apps will need approval first. Then they will be pushed out like the free apps.