District Services
Mid-Prairie wants to maintain the HSAP program presently in place for home schoolers by continuing to offer field trips, activities, classes, and the specialized resource library to home school families, even though the state has cut funding to HSAP programs. Therefore, these opportunities remain a part of the district’s services to home school families.
Regular education classes such as band, music, choir, PE, lab science, driver’s education and sports can also be attended by children who are dual-enrolled.
Parents have access to the services of the Grant Wood Area Education Agency. This provides families with hearing and vision testing, and consultation with service specialists such as the speech and language consultant.
Online research becomes safe and accessible through the “Iowa AEA Online Network”. Iowa K-12 students and teachers have free access at school and at home (internet access required) 24 hours a day, seven days a week to magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, videos, photos & clipart, software training, plus many other resources.