
Students on the playground

Welcome to MP Preschool!

Our 4 year old preschool program is an integrated preschool open to all children who will be 4 years old by September 15th. We offer an integrated 3 year old preschool program for children that are 3 years old by August 15th. In addition, we offer an Alternative Kindergarten program serving children age 5 by September 15th.

The mission of our preschool program is to provide a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate environment in which students can learn and develop to their fullest potential.  We respect and accommodate the differences within each child’s developmental level.

Mid-Prairie offers one site location for preschool.  There are four classrooms at MP-West Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year.  Preschool typically follows the same calendar schedule as the remainder of the school district.  Our preschool is 4 days a week, half days only. Preschool takes place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with a morning session (8:15 - 11:15 AM) and afternoon session (12:15 - 3:15 PM).  There is no preschool or Alternative Kindergarten on Wednesdays.

MPCSD Preschool offers 3 Year Old Preschool in the mornings only from 8:15 - 11:15 AM on either Mondays/Thursdays or Tuesdays/Fridays.  This may change depending on enrollment.  3 Year Old Preschool is not funded by the state of Iowa and is a tuition-based program.  Currently, the monthly tuition is $125 per month due the first week of each month starting in September through May.  Transportation is NOT provided for students in the 3 Year Old preschool program.

MPCSD also offers Alternative Kindergarten on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 3:15 PM.  This is a full-day program for 4 days per week.

For those who qualify, Mid-Prairie offers some transportation for children in the program for 4 Year Old Preschool and Alternative Kindergarten ONLY and ONLY in the midday to and from daycare centers within the Mid-Prairie Community School District.  Ultimately, administration and the transportation director make all transportation decisions.  Additional transportation arrangements can be made with the Washington County Mini Bus.

Students with stuffed animals

Students playing in the dirt with trucks

Students on slide together


Physical Form

Parent Handbook

What is Program-Wide EC-PBIS?

Enhance your program’s implementation of EC-PBIS strategies while building internal supports to increase long-term sustainability using the program-wide approach!

Program-Wide Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PW EC-PBIS) is a systemic effort within a program to implement PBIS with fidelity and sustainability.

PW EC-PBIS involves four components: a leadership team, staff commitment, family involvement and policies and procedures.

In this model, a leadership team guides the implementation process and develops supports and infrastructure to ensure the fullest adoption of PBIS methods and strategies. The leadership team is focused on the ongoing process of supporting the implementation of PBIS and using data-based decision making to guide implementation efforts and monitor outcomes program-wide and across classrooms.

All staff become involved in implementation, from cooks to teachers to administrators.

Teachers are trained in EC-PBIS methods and receive implementation coaching support.

Partnerships with families are established by sharing information, providing support around social emotional skill development, and collaborating to support individual children.

Many policies and procedures support implementation and ensure sustainability. These include: program-wide expectations, behavior support procedures, and data-based decision making. Program wide expectations provide a shared focus and language for describing expected behavior. Behavior support procedures assist staff as they address challenging behavior in proactive ways. Data are collected and reviewed by the leadership team and used to make decisions about implementation.